Saturday, July 28, 2012

Past and Present Collide

A couple months ago i was living at a house with 5 other ppl that had become my family, moving out was one of the weirdest experiences i have ever had. It was like my whole life changed, going from a house with so many people and so much going on all the time to a house with only a few people where nothing happens was a big change. But it was for the better, my life has settled back into its normal and things are going great. I met a great guy and things are going well i have a good job and im around my family. Yesterday was a good day because it was like my two lives collided into each other. I went and saw my 2nd family, going back to the house felt so good, i felt so welcome and loved seeing my old family. Just being around them made me feel really happy and in a way it was really refreshing to see them. Then getting a phone call from my guy made it even better, i had both my worlds and it was like for that moment in time everything was really ok nothing mattered anymore, problems and bills, all the bad things disappeared. Its weird how when things are going so bad you feel like they are never going to be good again but then time goes forward and life keeps on moving and one day everything really does get better and life really does move on. There is that saying life is not about worrying about the thunderstorms but learning to dance in the rain. I believe that we all have to learn to dance in the rain no matter how scary it is. Parts of myself are coming back that i thought had died a long time ago, and i can't wait to see where my life goes. I do know one thing tho i will enjoy my life everyday of it because who knows whats going to happen tomorrow...
Peace CasperTheGhost

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